The apostle John warned of the coming of antichrists, "even
now have ... arisen many antichrists". Antichrists are viewed as someone who opposes Christ or more subtly someone who substitutes
Christ -- a false prophet who pretends to be a defender of God's truth. He is some religious bigot who "exalteth himself above
all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."(2
Thes. 2:4)
Antichrists have taken over the FEBC and causing chaos in the BP churches through the heresy of VPP. Quek
Suan Yew who sitteth in the temple of God called Calvary Pandan claimed that without VPP there is no Bible. The other VPP
antichrist, Jeffrey Khoo asserted that Christians are still in their sins if they deny VPP.
VPP has been promoted
aggressively after the working of Satan with all his lying wonders and deceivableness of unrighteousness. What ever God does,
Satan is sure to imitate. So in Biblical Christianity there is verbal plenary inspiration (VPI) of the Bible but in false
Christianity there is the verbal plenary preservation (VPP) of the Bible.
VPI: The Bible alone is the Word of God
VPP: The KJV alone is the Word of God
A founding elder of the Calvary Pandan BP Church who really loved the Lord
was removed from leadership position through surreptitious means because he stood in the way against the VPP heresy. He has
written an open letter to the faithful in Pandan hoping that they would see the light before God really sends them a strong
delusion to believe the lie of Quek Suan Yew's VPP.