‘….the words that I speak unto you,
they are spirit, and they are life. (John6:63b)’ The Lord Jesus is concerned with the spiritual aspect
of His doctrines, words or teachings. Christ’s words are spiritual; they are designed to quicken and nourish the soul.
The entirety of His word is true; from the beginning even to the end His word is true and faithful(Psalm 119:160) . Yet, there
is a movement to discredit God’s Word; instead of emphasizing the spiritual nature of His Word, this group (VPP-KJVonlyists) insists that God must make available to them the physical
autographical text of the Bible which they can hold in their hands.
This group of VPP-KJVOnlyist ( FEBC, David Cloud,
DA Waite, Gail Riplinger, Peter Ruckman, Jeffrey Khoo, Texe Marrs) has to be distinguished
from organizations such as Trinitarian Bible Society and Bible League Trust, and churches who ‘believed in the verbal plenary inspiration and infallibility
of the entire Bible as originally given.’ This group believe that the ‘Byzantine’ text is superior, more accurate and closer to the autographical text than
the Westcott-Hort text which is the basis of many modern bibles. They believe
in providential preservation of God’s Word whereas VPP-KJVOnlyists believe
in the miraculous preservation (or more accurately, restoration) of God’s Word.
The article is by Bishop DA Thompson who traces the providential preservation of the Received Text which underlies the KJV bible.